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Friday, October 10, 2008

Why Don't You Just Retire Now?

By Joshua Geralds

Do you believe that when you finish your work life at the age of 55 or 60 you will have the resources to retire and live in comfort till you happily and peacefully pass on? Then again, why wait till you are 55 or 60 to retire? Why not do it now?

Wouldn't it be great if you could just give up your day job or night job or any job and spend your time doing things you like with your time? You could go shark hunting, travel to the most exotic locations on earth, curl up in a hammock on the beaches of Thailand listening to the gentle lapping of the waves from the sea. All these take money and they take time and they need you to be free, without any strings to tie you down.

Just think about this for a moment, you work 5 days a week close to 12 hours a day including your commute. Your weekends are filled with running errands going to malls that have far too many people buying things that are far too costly to justify. I know exactly what this feeling is, it is the feeling of being trapped, and about 20 years ago this was the exact same scene I was faced with.

Welcome to the world of trading! Drop your lousy job and put on your trader's hat and jacket. Being a trader is by no means an easy thing to do, there will be times of uncertainty and there will be times that you wished you never started on the path to riches. Being a trader is simple but being a successful trader is slightly more difficult, to be a successful trader you have to equip yourself with some tools.

First you will need a trading plan, this can be easily obtained by purchase or you could take one for free online. The plan is important so you might want to reconsider if you decide to use a free resource, you cannot possibly to use something for free and earn millions from it can you?

Second you will need a money management plan; this is what really makes you your money. With a good money management policy you will be able to safeguard your account and at the same time steadily grow your account. Take your money management plan and integrate it with your trading plan. When you have that you are close to 60% safe. What's left is discipline and that brings us to our last point.

The third thing you will need is discipline, for it is discipline that separates a losing account from a wining account. Take 2 traders and let them take the same trades using the same trading plan and money management rules. The successful trader will be the one that has the discipline to follow through on the plan. That is what makes a trader successful. The best trading plan in the world is useless if you don't stick to it. The market is erratic at best and often you will lose in your trades. With proper money management you will not only survive but emerge with a stronger position. The key to it all is the mental and emotional discipline to see it through.

Don't wait any more, get up and take control of your life! Get an account and a trading account and retire now!

Dr. Joshua Geralds is a successful Investment Specialist with over twenty years experience increasing the income of people world wide. Visit to learn how to make steady profits through safe trading and down load your FREE e-book "Money Management" for a limited time only!

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