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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Forex Software System Trading - There Are So Many FX Systems, Which One Do I Purchase? Part II

By William Alheim Jr

No more joking around, I am going to tell you how to do this. What you really want is the same system that the professional traders use, right? Of course, well too bad, they aren't any, but you can make your own. Above I told you the commercial systems were great at collecting data, which they are. One big step out of the way, after all, you could have never got that information nearly as quickly and as comprehensively as they do. Next, I told you they element figures not considered important by that particular program and they do that. One more thing you don't have to be concerned with. Third I told you they then use the data according to the preprogrammed function, which they do, which could be signals, trends, formulas or experience. The last and final step is to take that information and you MAKE the final decision on what to trade and when to trade.

That is exactly what the professional system do, with one big exception and that is they make recommendations or actually function as an automated trading systems using all of the above possibilities, where as your systems can only make one type of recommendation. But, if you combine those systems and make the FINAL decision yourself then you have the same software as the large brokerage firms have spent millions on.

Your going to need one more thing to make this work, don't start crying, it is FREE. What you require is a RSS feed from one of the major news agencies such as CNN or Reuters regarding business. If you don't know what a RSS feed is then do a search on Google and find out. Now you know everything that is essential and I am going to give you one example of how to use all of the above to make big money. Why only one example, I am not a training course, if you want more than one example sign up for one of them. Or figure it out for yourself using a demo account from a brokerage firm. If you don't know what a demo account is too bad, hit Google one more time.

Enough of the messing around, this is what you what to know. I am being serious now. Let's say you have a trend system and a signal system on your desk top along with the RSS feed and your brokerage trading platform all functioning at the same time. Now all of a sudden the signal system starts going crazy telling you something in the market is changing. What do you do? You check with your trend system and verify there is the trend line is changing. Now you have a signal and a trend telling you it is time to buy. What next, check the RSS feed and see if you can find the news coverage which you receive in real time just like the big boys and find out why the currency is moving. Once you have all three of the indicators functioning consecutively you can be pretty sure this is a HUGE buying opportunity. Please tell me exactly how many of those chances do you need a month to be a rich person, don't bother, I am going to tell you, NOT TOO MANY!

There it is, your own million dollar Forex Trading System for two or three hundred dollars. How you going to beat that? Your are not going too. Don't lose sleep over this if you did not understand everything I said above, once you get the systems and start playing with them you will understand. Also don't be concerned about being the first one in the market and the last one out, you never are. Do NOT start testing what I told you with a REAL money account, use a DEMO account. Use the DEMO account for at least a month until everything becomes very simple, it is not that hard to begin with and you are making good money with the demo and then go to the real money account. That's all for now, I hope this helps. Seriously, just read the above and follow it and you will be fine.

William R. Alheim, Jr., CPA, MA - Visit to learn more about Forex brokers, systems and courses. Good Luck! I look forward to seeing you on the trading floor making money!

Forex Software System Trading - There Are So Many FX Systems, Which One Do I Purchase? Part I

By William Alheim Jr

Selecting your first piece of software to start trading the currency markets can certainly be a mind boggling task. But, not to worry, I am here to give you a hand. If you are even reading this article I am sure you have already stated checking into the different software systems that are available. When I first began trading and was reading each of these products marketing material it really did not make my task any easier, but just more confusing because there are so many of them and each one does something a little different.

The fact of the matter is that none of them on there own is going to supply you with the same information the professional traders are able to accumulate with one piece of software. The reason for this is these systems for the most part sell for around one hundred dollars or so and the brokerage firms have spent millions of dollars refining their software.

What you are able to do with these products are purchase different combination of software that examine the market in distinctive fashions and simulate what the big boys are using. What is he talking about? Don't fret; I am going to explain it. First, what all of the commercial available software products do GREAT is collect currency data. Why, because it is easy to program a data feed into a piece of software. The hard part is the next two steps in the programming function.

After collecting the information the programmers next determine what facts are important to them and what is not and eliminate what they do not consider critical. The final stage is to make a decision or recommendation on the software's preprogrammed evaluation tools. Getting confused, I told you earlier not to agonize, it really is not that complicated once you understand what these software systems are actually trying to accomplish.

The vast majority of these systems can be one of the following; trend based, concentrate on day trading, signal orientated, function on a specific formula the professional trader has been profitable in the past with or a few other possibilities. But, none of them are comprehensive taking into account everything mentioned above. Why, because they cost a hundred dollars that's why. If you wanted one that did everything all of these systems do differently it would cost millions to program them and nobody would buy it..

That's great isn't it, you have told me all of that and none of the system can make me a profitable trader! That's not what I said, you just have to read a little further, because in FACT they can make you an extremely lucrative currency trader, you just need to know how to use them. The final piece of software in this puzzle is the human brain. The human brain, the greatest piece of software ever invented, of course that is until ET shows up, then it will come in second.

William R. Alheim, Jr., CPA, MA - Visit to learn more about Forex brokers, systems and courses. Good Luck! I look forward to seeing you on the trading floor making money!

Forex Expert Advisors - Do They Work and Are They Profitable

By V. Singh

An expert advisor is a highly sophisticated software tool for trading the Forex Market. They are constructed according to a strict set of rules and parameters, and are designed to easily embed into your trading platform to execute trades for you. Most Forex EA's can be completely automated while others are there to use at your own discretion, it is entirely upto you how you wish to use them and benefit from their distinct features.

You see the reason why most traders fail within the Forex Market is because they constantly give in to their emotions when trading, and make decisions based on fear, greed or to chase losses. Inconsistency is another key factor limiting most traders to make it big in the world of Forex, and the reason is because the majority of traders find it extremely difficult to adhere to their trading plan; in turn costing them a lot of money in crucial situations. Now with a good Forex expert advisor emotions and inconsistency can be completely removed and trading can be executed on a completely logical basis.

The expert advisor has a trading plan, and because it is a trading robot it will adhere to its plan indefinitely, without being influenced by any outside factors i.e emotions, stresses, tiredness etc. The Expert Advisor watches the market 24 hours a day for you and will execute trades based upon its predefined parameters. Unlike a human, it is also capable of monitoring indicators, support and resistance levels, and many other factors in multiple timeframes and making immediate decisions.

Now there are a variety of Expert Advisors available on the market today, and to be quite honest, most of them are completely useless and should be seriously avoided. The internet is full of scammers and I'm afraid the market for Forex expert advisors is no exception, it is heavily saturated with many of them. The scam websites usually have extremely hyped up sales pages that claim to offer unbelievable results and are fairly easy to pick out. They claim to make you millions off the Forex Market, however their test results are all backtest statements, which amazingly have no losing trades, come on not a single losing trade, they must have found the Holy Grail! Just remember if something seems too good to be true, it usually is, so do yourself a favor and stay well away from these types of sites and save your money.

However amongst all these vultures there are a few legitimate expert advisors available on the market, and they can help you earn a decent income off the Forex Market if used properly. When searching for a good expert advisor for Forex trading, there are few key things to consider and look for to ensure you do not get scammed out of your money. Firstly always look for contact details, make sure the seller has an email address and don't hesitate to contact the seller and ask about any queries you have on their products. If the seller is fully legit they won't hesitate to answer any questions and even elaborate on their trading systems without pushing for a sale.

Next, always look for Live Forward test statements, if the seller thinks his system is profitable then they should obviously be using it to trade with there own money right? And they shouldn't have any problems in showing you the actual results of their trades. Forward test results are conducted with real money in live market conditions; therefore they are the closest things to letting you know how the expert advisor will perform in actual market conditions. You should NEVER purchase any expert advisor that doesn't provide live forward test statements.

Lastly before purchasing any expert advisor please do your research and find out exactly how the system works and operates, find out if it is suited to your trading style and if it has good money management and risk management. Don't go out and buy the first expert advisor you see, shop around and make comparisons, contact the sellers and get all your questions answered before you make any final decisions.

Therefore if you're looking to simplify your daily trading routine by obtaining a Forex expert advisor then follow the simple rules above and you shall easily find a profitable EA which will definitely offer you a successful trading experience.

It is no secret that in order to succeed in the world of Forex Trading You must follow a good trading system, adhere to strict money management techniques, and remain disciplined. An Expert Advisor can seriously simplify the process and get you well on your way. If you wish to automate your Forex Trading Decisions by using a Forex Expert Advisor then check out this Collection of The best Expert Advisors available for Forex Trading.

Compare Forex With Stock Trading

By Teddy Low

Nowadays, Foreign Exchange markets (Forex) and stock markets are becoming a more popular investment game. Everyday, transaction value for each of them can sum up to trillion of dollars. Although both can be classified as a form of investment, but the investment concepts are not similar. Some people will prefer to invest money into both markets as to balance the risk between the markets.

I have laid out the key differences below between the two investment markets in order to let you have a more thorough and better understanding about the games and can then decide on which one suit you best: -

i. Average investment duration

Generally, Forex market is more suitable for investors who like short term transaction. Most individual forex traders trade on a day trade basis. Day trade basis simply means entering and exiting into the FX market on the same day. Individual investors usually earn small daily earnings which can range from 10 to 30 pips. But for professional FX traders, they usually will opt to partially automate their day trade process by using their personal transaction system.

On the other hand, stock market is deemed more suitable for investors who would prefer mid to long term transactions. Although there are still some investors who are practicing day trade basis, most investors would prefer to invest their capital in longer period, which takes up to weeks or even years. After the maturity period, they will harvest on the profit in a whole lump sum.

ii. Market trend factors

Forex market is not affected by market trend as Forex trading is done in pairs. Forex-pair deal means profit and loss is totally determined by difference of forex rate. For example, if you invest your capital base of Euros to Dollars at FX rate at 1.1999 at initial stage, then you call of your deal of FX rate of 1.2222. This will bring profit of USD23 if your initial investment capital is 1,000 Euros. From the example above,, it is clearly proven that FX market will only be affected by its relative value compared to other currency and will not be affected by changes of profits in the market.

As for stock market, it is greatly affected by market trends and this is why stock market investors foresee to have difficulties in short term dealings.

iii. Leveraging your money

Stock market disallows you to own great purchasing power. The maximum trade margin which it can offer is only 2:1. If you have $1,000, you can only purchase the maximum stock value of $2,000.

For FX market, it can give you a huge range of trade margin of 50, 100, 150 and 200:1. If you have $1,000, you can purchase a value of $150,000 using trade margin of 150:1. This gives you the flexibility to control large amount of capital with small on-hand capital.

iv. Trading with low capital account in FX market

Stock market always has a limitation, specifically for small investors. Most stock brokerages do not offer your flexibility to purchase in odd lots, but only in blocks of 100 shares each as the minimum purchase. In stock market, most stocks valued from $15 to $500, so if you intend to purchase any of them, your initial capital have to be estimated from $1,500 to $50,000 or even more.

For FX market, it allows you to invest even as little as $300 and provide mini contracts facility which allows small investors to deposit money for investment. This brings a lot of excitement to amateur as smaller start up capital brings less risk as well as gaining more experience through it.

v. Less hesitation for account considerations

Sometimes, we will feel very frustrated when choosing which stock to buy as there are thousands of companies listed in the market. We need to spend plenty of time to study which stock has the potential of bringing profitability to us. However, for FX market, you may achieve the same results by investing shorter time to evaluate. You just need to study the country's major news and directions. Normally, developed countries tend to have more stable currency standings.

vi. Decentralized market structure

Basically, stock market requires a centralized market to execute all transactions, e.g. NYSE. All stock trading limits the buyers and sellers to trade at centralized market.

For FX market, the transaction can be done via different brokerage agents or dealers. This will bring competition to FX firms as traders now have more options to choose from and decide on the party that can offer the best deal.

After reading these, you should have a clearer picture about the difference between FX market and stock market. You are advised to engage in FX market or stock market only if you have fully understand the risk involved, and is willing and prepared to allocate the appropriate funds, which are not essential or vital for your well being.

Final piece of advice
Do you know 7 out of 10 traders keep losing money in Forex market? That's right, 70% of individual FX traders keep losing their hard-earned money in the market; while the rest of the 30% work freely at home and earn millions annually.

Wonder what differs between the losing 70% and the winning 30%? Forex trading skills and the trading system! If you wish success in Forex market, be very sure that the road is long and you need to study hard and smart to learn what it takes. The Forex market is definitely not a game for newbie and you need to brush up your skills before getting your hands wet.

Article by Teddy Low.
Get free Forex training, visit!

Forex Robots - The Bulk of Them Wipe Out Traders' Equity - Here's Why

By Sonia Kristina

Many vendors claim you can make money with no effort by paying them $100 for their Forex robot which then makes you regular cash...Common sense tells you this is not true and the reason they lose money is simple...

They have never been traded and the track record is a back test on historical data knowing the closing prices. Not hard to do this really and a child could do it. The track record is simply bent to fit the data and of course you can't bend in real time you have to trade in real time.

Look at the track records of most Forex robots and in the risk warning, you will see the words "hypothetical" and "simulated" and this is not the same as making real dollars from trading in the market.

Common sense tells you that if these Forex robots with simulated track records really worked and could deliver financial freedom for a hundred dollars the following would apply:

- Banks and brokers would sack their dealing teams

- No one would work anymore and everyone would trade

Neither of the above has happened, nor ever will.

Another point is if the Forex robots really did work why would you sell it? The vendor would be making to much money to bother hassling you for $100.00

The Real Way to Win

You can find some decent Forex robots and they can make great long term gains but keep in mind that they will have periods of losses. A decent robot can make 30 - 100% annual gains, with losing periods of a few weeks to a few months, so they are geared for long term profits and you have to be patient.

Even if you do have a good Forex trading system you need to have the confidence and discipline to trade it though losing periods.

There are traders that make a lot of money in Forex trading but I can assure you that they rely on real results and don't buy into it made money backwards it will make money going forwards.

So be realistic, get the right Forex education and system and you can enjoy great rewards for you effort and leave the simulated robots to the dreamers.


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Automatic Forex Trading Systems - How You Can Profit in the Forex Marketplace

By Pierre Manningham

When people start with a program such as an automated forex system - they instantly want to know how much money it will earn. The simple thing about the Forex trading platform is that there is so much activity that there simply is not a set amount you will earn, but a great Forex platform will give you reliable profits.

Just like most business decisions, deciding to take on Forex is a big risk, and there is never anything 100%, however, you can find reliable methods to ultimately succeed in the end.

If you want to be a one-week millionaire with Forex, it simply isn't going to happen, unless you are an expert of some sort. The simple reason for this is that there are just too many intangibles.

First let's start off with the obvious, what exactly is a Automated Forex System?

What is Automated Forex System?
An automated Forex System is actually a system that will trade for you. You can be a complete inexperienced newcomer to the whole way Forex works, and still create profits with an automated forex system.

Most Forex Traders are constantly updating and surveying their trades - sometimes is just as stressful as a regular 9-5, but instead; there are risks to the amount of money. It's simply just a hard way to trade unless you are an expert that brings in regular cash.

An automated Forex System will trade your money, but a good one created with accurate mathematical logarithms and trend spotting capabilities will actually help you maintain consistent income for your Forex Trading Efforts - backtrack - you won't have to give any effort because it's completely automatic

The High Risk Nature of Forex
Nature is a high risk business in which tons of cash is traded everyday, it would be great to have an automated system that can help build profit and income for you on a regular basis - while you go to a regular job, teach yourself how to be an expert Forex Trader to further increase income, or even just leisure.

It is the supplementary income answer that you are looking for, so why not start today? It is important to know that there is not an automated system out there with 100% certainty, and if it promises that, then it's a scam. Be sure to do your research and make the best Automated Forex Trading Decision!

Achieve Auto-Pilot Forex Profits 24/7. Earning small yet consistent profits through Forex while you are at your computer or away is a possibility with the Forex Auto-Pilot System. Complete beginners will have the ability to earn without any knowledge of how Forex works! For more information, visit:

Step it Up! - Auto Forex Trading

By Max Branner

Auto forex trading is the future of currency trading. Whether you watch over your campaign for a few hours a day or even if you outsource that job to someone else, auto forex trading keeps a constant vigilante watch over your campaign. When I say constant vigilante watch, I mean every second of every day your trading bot is trading in your best interest.

When you consider that the forex market virtually never closes, save for a handful of hours over the weekend, you need to be able to stay on top of things at every second to fully take advantage of those small windows of opportunity which crop up from time to time. There is never any worry that your campaign is in the wrong hands when you're auto forex trading, because it's basically you but without your having to be there.

Another feature associated with auto forex trading comes in the form of signal generators. As the program is completely automated, signal generation is no exception. This is the most accurate way to go in this market as the program constantly analyzes the market's trends and changes and figures all of this in, past and present, to give you the most precise tips to trade with. There is no worry of human error which you can get from dealing with an analyst as every tip comes from the same advanced solid mathematical algorithms. These tips always remain up to date as the software's publisher offers constant free updates so your signal generators always remain up to date and grow with the market.

Not all automated forex trading software is the same, in fact there are a number of lemons mixed in so keep your wits about you and know what to look for. Visit for reviews on the three leading options for your auto forex trading.

If You Don't Read This You'll Lose All of Your Money

By Max Branner

Each year, literally millions of hopefuls enter the foreign exchange market naively with the hopes of becoming an overnight millionaire. The internet is largely responsible for spreading this false hope as everyone is looking for a get rich quick scheme that works for once. And when they're starving for something real, anything looks edible. The truth is there is a lot of money to be made in the forex market and that many people enjoy a comfortable living doing so, you've just got to keep your wits about you. There are a couple of resources that you should not pass up when starting out.

The first thing you should secure is a forex demo trading account. There is no substitute for experience in this market and forex demo trading affords you that experience without having to burn through the thousands of dollars to gain it. This works exactly like trading in the real market with the very notable exception that you'll be trading with virtual money rather than your own. This allows you to trade without worries of losing all of your money overnight. This is important as you will be much more willing to make the valuable learning mistakes you can only gain through doing. You should trade through your forex demo trading account for AT LEAST one month before even considering transitioning to the real thing. Ideally you won't jump into the real thing until you've been trading for some time and have a number of profitable and winning trades under your belt. Once you've reached that plateau, I suggest starting out in the real market slowly with a smaller investment and working your way up.

The second thing which I recommend you use in combination with your demo account is forex automated trading software. I say that you should look into it early on because at some later point in your trading career you'll want to have the benefits of the software and this way you can learn the ins and outs of the software as you demo trade as the software comes with a forex demo trading account. If you are unfamiliar with it, forex automated trading software is a program which you use in conjunction with your trading. It "auto trades" for you without you having to be present which is key for the times when a profitable opportunity arises but you aren't around to act on it. Using stop loss and take profit protocols, it minimizes your losses and maximizes your gains, accordingly, so that you'll be on the winning side of a trade almost 100% of the time. Signal generation is another tool which comes with the program which constantly analyzes the market and using mathematical algorithms it accurately predicts where the market will go next so that you can trade accordingly and ahead of the curve. If you are serious about making money in the forex market, there is no substitute for forex automated trading software.

If you want to take a giant leap in your forex career and earn some reliable income, visit to learn more about forex automated trading software and read reviews on the leading and most accurate software available. Then get yourself a demo account and start trading today.

Get Over Yourself! - Forex Automated Trading Software

By Max Branner

Anyone can have a successful forex campaign with the right information and tools. One of the best shortcuts you can give yourself in the foreign exchange market comes in the form of forex automated trading software. Automated trading has increased by 7% in the last three years to show that this is a quietly growing field. Those who dismiss it generally believe that they know all there is to know about the market and manage fine on their own. Generally, they are indeed quite successful on their own in the market. The point to be made is that while forex automated trading software can turn an unsuccessful campaign into an auto forex enterprise, it can also vastly improve an already successful manual campaign in a number of ways.

As the forex market keeps much longer hours than the traditional stock exchange, you've got to be able to keep on top of it throughout every hour of every day if you want to truly be successful. If you are paying an analyst to keep on top of the market for you, you are spending a lot of money needlessly when you could have a reliable program doing the same tasks better for a fraction of the cost. The program always trades in your best interest using stop loss and take profit protocols, so you're always in good hands and on the winning side of a trade.

The signal generations your program provides you are also more reliable than getting tips from an analyst as they always stick to the same cold calculated algorithms for their predictions. There is a great deal less room for human error this way, as well. Another clear benefit of using a program is that you only have to pay the initial investment, after that you'll never have to pay another cent. The publisher's of the software constantly offer free updates through their site so that you can keep your program precise and as up to date as possible.

If you are interested in guaranteed and reliable income through running an auto forex enterprise, visit for reviews on the most precise and best forex software available on the market.

Forex Automated Trading Software - All Bets Are Off

By Max Branner

It seems as if everybody has their own opinion when it comes to forex trading. Not surprisingly, everyone also has something to say about forex automated trading software. If that happens to be some negative criticism, odds are they've probably never tried it. The truth is there are a number of disappointing programs in this market. There are also a number of seriously accurate programs which are single handedly quietly building people's faith in trading software.

Whereas some traders would pan forex automated trading software, others swear by it, specifically for the accuracy of the signal generation associated with running an auto forex enterprise. Many traders prefer the cold calculations of a program predicting their potential trades over a human analyst. A forex analyst studies the patterns and trends of the market or a part of the market to give their predictions of what will happen next. Unfortunately there is a great deal of room for error, human error in this case.

Instead, a signal generating program analyzes the market as far back as it goes, accumulates all of this data and runs it through tested complex mathematical algorithms to give its predictions. With the best signal generators on the market, they are precise the vast majority of the time. Thanks in part to constant free updates from their publishers, these programs continue to grow and improve with the market. This is also cost effective as you only have to pay for this method once when you buy the software, whereas an analyst would most likely be on your payroll.

If you're ready to stop relying largely on guesswork for where you trade with your money, visit for reviews on the leading forex automated trading software and begin to carve out your niche to financial independence today.

Foex Automated Trading Software - Why Not Do it Right?

By Max Branner

With the stock market dropping further every day, there's never been a better time to trade in the forex market. And if you're going to do it, why not do it right by building up an auto forex enterprise which will yield you reliable income for years? Forex automated trading software can make your life a great deal easier in a number of ways.

As the forex market keeps longer hours than the stock exchange, you've got to be able to stay on top of it. As the forex market occurs internationally and on a number of markets, it's constantly open, save for a few hours on the weekend. It just makes sense that the majority of peaks of opportunity are going to come up when you're not around to act on them, so you need a way to be there without being there. Enter forex automated trading software. You'll have the peace of mind at knowing that you'll never miss out on another profitable opportunity because you were asleep, stuck in traffic, or generally just not able to act on it. Using take profit and stop loss protocols, the software constantly trades in your favor to maximize your gains but just as importantly to minimize your losses. This grants you peace of mind but also affords you the opportunity to do other things, things that you really care about.

Signal generation which comes with your forex automated trading software is where you'll make your money. This uses complex mathematical algorithms to constantly analyze the market, taking every trend and change into account, and make its predictions accordingly. Thanks to constant free updates from the publisher, these tips are precisely accurate the vast majority of the time. You can then take this information and trade accordingly and ahead of the curve and others to maximize your profits. As I said, the real money in the forex market is made in windows, you've just got to have the software to be able to take advantage of it.

Begin down your path to financial independence with an auto forex enterprise. Visit for reviews on the leading and best forex software available today.

3 Things to Look For in Automated Forex Trading Software

By Max Branner

The foreign exchange market is going increasingly the route of auto forex trading. It's more accurate and reliable and still affords you the opportunity and more free time to do other things you really care about. Don't get left behind. Consider these three things to look for in your potential automated forex trading software.

Accuracy - An accurate signal generator can and will make you a lot of money if used correctly. This yields predictions as to what will happen within certain forex pairs next after analyzing trends and shifts in the market, past and present. Therefore, it's imperative that you secure the most accurate signal generator available. The majority of reputable software publishers additionally offer constant free updates after you purchase so that your tips stay as precise and strong as the market itself. Read some comparison reviews or positive testimonials before making a decision here.

Ease of Use - You can sometimes get an idea of how easy the program is going to be to use from the publisher's website. User friendliness should not be overlooked on either end. Keep in mind this program is meant to make your life easier, not more complicated. You don't need a bunch of extras, just make sure that it has an accurate signal generator as I just discussed as well as basic stop loss and take profit features which are synonymous with any forex campaign. Reviews of those who have first handedly tried these programs are invaluable when making a decision.

Customer Service - You can easily determine the level of customer service a publisher brings to the table by sending them an email if they don't have phone support and testing their response time. Response time of 1 to 3 hours is choice. This is a reflection of their reputation, you want them to be concerned with your business and keeping their customers happy. Also, ideally you'll never have any troubles with your program, but if you ever have a comment, complaint, problem, any of the above, you'll want to know your concerns will get dealt with swiftly and effectively.

If you're looking for reliable and low risk income, consider auto forex trading. For comparison reviews on the leading automated forex trading software, visit to learn more before you make any decisions.

3 Advantages of Auto Forex Trading

By Max Branner

Auto forex trading is becoming a growing fixture in the forex market. It was recently estimated that approximately 25% of all traders are currently auto forex trading. This is up from the 18% who were using it just three years ago. At this point in 2008, the software is so advanced and its signal generators are so precise that it's getting to the point where you need to be auto forex trading just to stay on top of the market and to keep competitive. It's clear to see why more traders are using automated forex trading software than ever. Consider these three advantages.

24/7 Trading - Unless you're employing someone else to watch over your campaign for you, odds are you're not trading to your fullest. As the forex market is open every hour during the week and extends deep into the weekend, the times when the greatest opportunities occur are endless. Even if you are employing someone to run your campaign when you aren't there to do it yourself, you could have the same effect for a fraction of the cost. Automated forex trading software always trades in your best interest and works tirelessly to profit you best no matter the hour, and you get this all for the one time price of when you make your purchase. It's a nice feeling knowing that your forex enterprise is in good hands at all times.

Stop Loss/Take Profit - Your automated forex trading software always trades in your best interest and monitors the market accordingly. If there is ever a sudden change in your area of the market and you stand to lose pips and consequently money, the program snaps into action and trades away, minimizing your losses. Automated forex trading software makes sure that you are on the winning side of a trade near 100% of the time and with constant free updates from their publishers these programs continue to get better and better.

Signal Generators - Signal generators are the premier way to trade with tips. This is where the real money is made, so wouldn't you want the best information affecting your trading? The generator gets this information from constantly analyzing the market at all times, noting trends and changes, and combines all of this and uses preprogrammed mathematical algorithms to trade accordingly. Again, the constant free updates keep these programs fresh and up to date so you always know you're getting the best predictions possible. Why settle for less?

If you're interested in starting down your road to financial independence, visit for reviews on the most accurate and leading automated forex trading software available on the market today.

Trade For a Living - You Can Do it But You Have to Understand These Key Points

By Kelly Price

You can trade for a living anyone has the opportunity but you won't make a lot of money if you listen to the so called expert advice online. Understand the key points enclosed and the opportunity is open to you...

Before we look at the key reasons, let's look at a famous experiment that proved anyone can learn to trade regardless of - their age, sex or educational background.

Richard Dennis conducted one of the most famous experiments of all time, when he taught a group of people with no previous experience to trade in 14 days. The result?

They went on to make $100 million in four years and the experiment when down in trading history.

Now let's look at a paradox:

Anyone can learn to trade but 95% of traders fail and that's a huge percentage so what makes a successful trader?

The problem for most traders is they think they can follow a so called expert and think forex trading is easy and the market teaches them some manners.

On the other hand, there are traders who think working hard and being clever guarantees success and of course this is not true. You are judged on one criteria only - the accuracy of your market timing.

Let's start with your key points that you need to understand for trading success.

1. You Are Responsible

No one is going to make you rich. As in all areas of life you are in control of your destiny. Accept this and you are on to the next steps.

2. You Need to Know the Basics

You often here you can make money by following others and not knowing what you are doing and in no area of life is this true. You have to know the basics and understand how and why markets move and avoid the myths.

3. You Need to keep it Simple

Complexity is seen as the route to profits by many but its not. This is proven by the fact that 95% of people lost 30 or 50 years ago and the ratio remains the same today, despite all the advances we have seen in software, computers, news and forecasting.

In fact - simple forex trading systems work best, as they are more robust in the brutal ever changing world of forex.

Dennis proved this in his experiment the system was easy to learn but a method by itself is not enough and that leads me to my next point.

4. You Need Confidence and an Edge

You need to have confidence in a trading edge - that is what will lead you to success when most others fail. If you don't know your edge, you don't have one!

5. Discipline is the Key

If you have confidence in what you are doing then you can obtain discipline and this is the trait very few traders achieve.

You need discipline to trade through losing periods of weeks on end and keep going until you hit a home run. Forget all the rubbish you are told you can trade with 90% accuracy etc - you will face a long losing period and that's a fact. This doesn't mean you won't win, you can but you must ride out the period and stay n course.

The people Richard Dennis taught often said the system was easy to learn, the hard part was executing it with discipline.

If you think discipline is easy - you haven't traded! It's hard but if you know what you are doing and have confidence, you can do it and it will lead you to Forex trading success.

6. How Much do you Want Success?

This is really a key question, because if you have a burning desire to succeed, you will do what it takes to succeed and accept that you can change your financial future if you want to by taking note of the key points noted above.

Forex trading is simple to learn but beware method is not enough it is the discipline to execute your method, that separates out the few who win big.

Can You Trade For a Living?

Of course you can - but don't believe it's easy - its not, that's why the rewards are so high. You need the right mindset and forex education and you need too believe in yourself. If you can do this you can trade for a living.

Always keep in mind the market doesn't beat the trader, the trader beats himself.

If you want success the door is open - how much do you want it?


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on a RISK FREE Forex Trading System visit our website at:

Forex Trading System - Trading Breakouts For Triple Digit Profits!

By Kelly Price

Do you want a simple timeless, method you can understand which works and will continue to work and can give you triple digit annual profits? Then you will find it in this article and base your Forex trading system on it and you can enjoy great profits...

The method is trading breakouts to new chart highs or lows. The reason it works and will continue to do so, is because it's based on this fact which you can observe on any Forex chart:

Most major trends start and continue from new market highs or lows.

Look at a chart and you will see this and trends that last for weeks, months or years, get in and hold them and you can make huge profits.

Breakout trading, enables you to get on board these trends and ride them, most traders however cannot do this despite the fact it works - why?

Why Most Traders Don't Trade Breakouts

Because when a break occurs, they want to wait for the dip and this is due with traders think they pinpoint timing is the way to make money but with breakout trading you miss the start but as you cannot predict prices this trading the reality is the way to go.

Breakouts if there good ones simply do not come back and the trader who waits will wait in vain.

So what should a breakout system consist of?

You need to get Forex education in 3 main areas and they are the following

1. Choosing the Best Breakouts

Not all breakouts of course go right so to get the odds on your side look for levels that have been tested numerous times - the minimum is 2 times but the more the times the better. The more times a level is tested before it breaks the better the odds of success tend to be.

2. Confirming Breakouts

You then need to confirm the breakout. A good one will feature acceleration in momentum and for this you need some momentum oscillators to help you. We have discussed these in other articles.

One or two are all you need to confirm the break and if they support it, its time to execute your trading signal.

3. Stops and Money Management

Stops are under the break.

The real key with trading big breakouts is to have your stop behind random volatility.

These big breakouts can last a long time so you need to give a bit back at the end when the trend finally turns. You cannot buy or sell market highs or lows exactly and your aim is to make money by catching a major chunk of the trend and you can do this and make a lot of money.

A method that NEVER Goes out of date

As long as markets trend, breakout trading will work and make money and even better most traders can't do it

It's a very simple Forex trading system but it's also very effective, easy to understand and time efficient. Once you have learned the basics you can be making money in around 30 minutes a day and be on the way to making big profits by trading breakouts.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on a RISK FREE Forex Breakout Trading System visit our website at:

Forex Expert Advisors - Choosing One to Help You Make Money

By Kelly Price

There are lots of people claiming to be Forex expert advisors and anyone can but most are anything but there is one way of checking before you buy there services and if you want to find the best you need to do it...

It may sound odd but most traders take Forex advice from people who have never proven themselves as good at what they do i.e. make money in real time.

Beware of the Back Test Simulation!

They fall for the simulated track record and a prime example of this is the automated Forex expert.

Just turn on your computer on, install the software and make a mint from their Forex robot. The track record always looks good - but it's not REAL!

Check the risk warning and you will normally find it's a simulated back test on paper knowing all the closing prices. How hard is it to make a profit with all the facts to hand?

Not hard at all I could be a multi millionaire, if I knew tomorrow's closing price today but you don't get this advantage in real time trading!

So why on earth would you trust someone with your hard earned cash, if they have no proof of making money for themselves? A huge amount of traders do trust them and they get wiped out.

You don't get financial freedom for $100 and no work on your part, that's not the real world that's fantasy.

If you are looking for a Forex expert advisor always look for proof they are traders and not just marketing companies pedalling meaningless simulations.

The Real Role of an Expert Advisor

Is to give you the skills that you can apply yourself with confidence and discipline to ensure your trading success.

Trading success is dependant on you and your discipline - let me give you a motivating example of this and how anyone can with the right Forex expert advice.

In a famous trading experiment trading legend Richard Dennis taught a group of people with no trading experience to trade in 14 days and gave them trading accounts. The result was they went on to make $100 million in profit! So what did Dennis do to ensure success?

He taught them a system that was simple, so simple in fact that anyone could learn it but he knew this was not enough - they would have to apply it through losing periods and for this, you need confidence in what you are doing to trade with discipline.

Most of the traders when interviewed noted the system was easy to learn - but following it with discipline was the hard part and it is. This is why Dennis didn't just tell them to follow him blindly - but learn the system and how it worked to give them confidence.

Most traders today are looking to make money with no effort and that's not real life.

They expect a Forex expert advisor to make them rich but don't realize it's up to them.

You can get Forex education all over the net but most of it is worthless, so find a trader who can teach you tools and skills you can apply and you could be on your way to a triple digit income.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info how to Learn Currency Trading visit our website at:

Currency Trading Education - In Two Weeks Training These Traders Became Millionaires, How?

By Kelly Price

The experiment we are going to look at proved that anyone could learn currency trading and do it quickly with the right mindset and education and you can learn a lot from this inspiring story...

The experiment was conducted by famous trader Richard Dennis to settle a bet with his business partner, who thought traders were born not made. Dennis disagreed and said anyone could be taught. So he set about proving he was right, by gathering a group of people together who only had one common trait - they knew nothing about trading. There were some card players, a young man just leaving school, a lady auditor, a security guard and an actor, so a pretty diverse group.

The training took just 14 days.

Dennis taught them a simple method and some money management rules and then set them off to trade. The result is well known and these traders went on to make hundreds of millions of dollars and many still trade today.

So how did they succeed, when 95% of new traders fail?

Of course they had a good teacher but Dennis knew that most people don't fail because of their method they fail in most instances because they cannot apply a method with discipline.

The Key to Winning is Losing

The reality of trading is you have to lose to win and you must keep your losses small and keep going until you hit profits again.

Most traders believe the rubbish they are told about not facing drawdown periods that last more than a few trades but the fact is even the best traders lose for weeks on end. The key to winning, is actually losing - keeping your losses small and keeping on course until you hit a home run.

Method + Discipline = Currency Trading Success

You can have the best method but you need discipline and this is EXACTLY What Dennis taught his pupils, to keep going through periods of losses until they hit profits. In interviews the traders in the experiment commented on how the system was easy to learn - but to execute it with discipline and money management was much harder.

Of course, if you have no discipline, you will lose.

Discipline is built on learning the basics and confidence and understanding.

You are going to at some point hit and have to ride out a drawdown period so you need to be prepared. Forex trading relies on a simple, robust, method applied with discipline. Dennis knew this and taught his pupils its importance and the story is inspiring for all new traders as it shows anyone can learn and anyone can enjoy success with the right education and mindset.

Always remember - it's not the market that beats the trader, it's the trade that beats himself. If you understand that and are prepared to be disciplined then you can win.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on a RISK FREE Forex Breakout Trading System visit our website at:

Best Forex Automated Systems - This One is Free and Made Millions in Profit!

By Kelly Price

When looking for the best automated Forex trading systems, a strong contender is the one enclosed and don't think because its free it doesn't work - it does and has for over 20 years...

There is no question Forex trading systems have a bad reputation and this is down to the numerous junk robots that are sold with track records that are simply back tests and not proven. The system we are going to look at here on the other hand has been used by savvy traders around the world for years and works.

The system we are going to look at is the 4 Week Rule and it was devised by one of the great traders Richard Donchian and since the late seventies it's been at the heart of some of the top traders systems - even trading legend Richard Dennis was a fan so you know your in good company.

The system is incredibly simple and you don't even need a computer to run it - it has one simple rule, so lets look at it.

Buy a new 4 week high and reverse the position when a new 4 week low is hit - keep buying the 4 week high and selling the 4 week low and always maintain a position in the market.

You can't get much more simple than that and but if you think about the logic it's soundly based.

1. it's a very simple breakout system and it's a fact that most major trends start from breaks to new market highs or lows.

2. By its very nature its long term and if you look at a Forex chart, you will see the big trends can last many months or longer.

3. This system as it is always in the market so is guaranteed to put you on the side of every big trend.

It's also got some other great advantages, it's quick to implement about 15 minutes a day max and gives you a set trading signal with no subjective judgement needed.

Despite the fact it works and will continue to work most traders won't bother with it and here are the reasons why.

1. They think its to simple despite the fact it works

2. They want to buy tops and bottoms exactly, despite the fact you can't do this

3. Its to long term and traders always like action and lack the discipline to hold long term trends

4. It's not complex - traders think this increases chances of success but of course the opposite is true - simple systems are more robust.

5. It's not based on fancy theories chaos, neural networks, artificial intelligence etc - these theories don't work in Forex but again traders love them.

6. There is no fancy packaging or a ridiculous name that insinuates taking on and beating the market.

Most traders pick junk robots with simulated track records and fall for the hype. This automated Forex trading system has no hype but plenty of profits and I know which system I would rather have!

The system works and will continue to work and if you are interested in long term profits take a look at it and it can increase your chances of forex trading success.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's and more on this great FREE Automated Forex Trading System and an exclusive risk free Currency trading Course visit our website.

An Honest Forex Assassin Review

By Julie Landry

Trying to find a forex trading system that is the best fit for your particular style of trading and your level of experience can be a difficult process. Luckily, Forex Assassin takes the guesswork out of everything for you and is able to offer something for both beginner and veteran traders alike.

Forex Assassin is a system that will literally do everything for you without the need for any further thought on your part. In short, it's an easy and simple process for you to carry out with little effort, allowing you to get on with your day to day life while still making make money by trading foreign currencies. It is a relatively new forex trading tool that already enjoys a healthy following and is growing in popularity. This tool was made especially for the novice trader who can only spare a short amount of time for trading. The 'Forex Assassin Formula' is a trading formula that was made especially for the less than advanced forex trader, which will help you to simple make profitable trades.

However, Forex Assassin is not quite exactly as described on the sales page. It can however make you consistent profits, but notice that I used the word 'could.' In actuality, by itself it cannot make consistent profits, because in the end it is still you that is inevitably in control of everything. In general, Forex Assassin is a "set and forget" system that will tell you exactly when to enter and exit a trade. The question then becomes whether you are able to keep your emotions out of it!

Julie Landry makes a full-time income by forex trading. Read her more extensive Forex Assassin review by visiting her site. You may also be interested in her Forex Range Trader Review, and her Mark Copeland's Forex Autopilot System Review.

How to Get the Most Out of Forex Trading Systems

By James Woolley

You will probably have noticed that there are now lots of forex systems, robots and signals currently being sold on the internet. Now obviously not all of these are going to be great products but that doesn't necessarily matter, as I'm about to explain.

I think people's expectations of these products are simply too high and unrealistic. They see an impressive-looking sales page with what looks to be a great performance record, and expect to see the same results themselves when they buy this product. Unfortunately most are ultimately left disappointed and will either leave the product to gather dust or ask for a refund.

However this is not the right approach to take. I am an experienced and profitable forex trader myself but I still buy several of these forex systems and robots. Why? Well sometimes I will discover a new profitable trading system that will increase my earnings even further, but even if it's a system or robot that doesn't appear to be profitable, the key point is that you can still learn something from them.

It's the methodology behind the trading system that's important. If you observe the signals thrown up by a particular system, robot or signal provider on your own charts, you will soon start to see the thinking behind the system. Therefore even if it isn't making consistent profits, you can tweak the system yourself in order to make it profitable. For example, if the system takes both long and short positions in an uptrend, you could filter it and only trade those positions that are triggered that go with the trend rather than against it.

Although a lot of time and research goes into making a lot of these forex products, they are rarely perfect, and will nearly always be more profitable with a bit of tweaking. So the point is that you shouldn't rush to get a refund if the product doesn't start making profits straight away.

I think that even the worst forex systems sold on the internet have some value because you nearly always learn something from them. For example you may learn about a new set of technical indicators that you haven't previously used, or you may learn a valuable tip about support and resistance levels, for instance.

This was certainly the case for me because I bought a product several months ago which wasn't very profitable at all. In fact it was pretty much completely useless as a trading system. However there was an excellent tip in there about a highly profitable candlestick pattern that I was unaware of previously, so in that respect the product was certainly worth buying despite the fact that the trading system itself wasn't at all profitable.

So don't be afraid to try out several different forex trading systems and signal providers because you can learn a lot about the different ways people trade the markets. You may well stumble upon a highly profitable trading system but even if you don't, you are almost certain to get something out of each product. Plus you can always tweak these systems yourself to try and make them profitable.

Click here to read a review of the London Forex Rush system and to read reviews of many other forex products including FAP Winner.

How to Win at Forex Trading - 7 Secrets on Winning at Forex Trading

By Francis Tayllor

When you get into forex trading, you should know how to win at it otherwise your investment will be go down the drain. The primary thing that you need to do is plan. Without proper planning you wouldn't be able to see the general picture of what you are into. To start planning you have to consider the following:

1. What is your level of skill? This goes to say that you should be ready to learn forex trading in the first place. Are you aware of probabilities? Remember that forex trading is entering into business without certainties, only evaluation and right judgment. Professionals are trained in this skill so you better know your level on this part.

2. How well can you take risks? Forex trading involves taking risks. You need to forecast well and stand up for possible risks. You need to be knowledgeable on how to play with the capital invested and be prepared of the possibilities. Of course, this means that you have to minimize risks.

3. What is your target? Usually, traders set a 1:3 ratio in forex trading. This means that in every 1 dollar loss, you should have 3 dollars profits. The name of the game is to be as profitable as possible and get lesser loss. With this target, you would then develop a strategy that can be counted on.

4. What is the condition of the market? Before you sign in the market, you need to be sure of the value at stake in that market. You can use indexes as tools to evaluate the market. Most of the time, the realities that are happening based on current news are the basis of most traders.

5. Are you mentally alert? It is important that in forex, you are not tired or mentally stressed. By then you will have the tendency to commit mistakes and put your investments at high risk. Mental alertness is actually required for proper thinking and evaluation.

6. Set target to exit. There re times that in your quest for more profit, you wouldn't know when to exit even if you incur losses. Just remember that professionals do have losses, but they know when to stop and go. You should know how to put an end to trading as well and get lessons for the day trading.

7. Know when to enter. After knowing how to end, it is also important that you know when to start again. If the goal is 1:3 ratio, then you should be aware of the signal of this possibility. Online forex trading software provides signals that you should go for the contract when the direction it shows seem fit.

When you know how to win at forex trading by heart, you would be a successful trader. Your wins will be higher most of the time.

Do you want to make accurate buy or sell decisions when it comes to forex trading? See how you can potentially multiply your earnings with this powerful online forex trading software.

Forex Trading Applications - Making Use of Demonstrations on Applications For Forex Trading

By Francis Tayllor

There are a lot of companies online that are offering forex trading applications. If you are new to this industry, you can try out demonstration versions. These demos will help you learn more about forex before you actually start to do business with other traders. These demonstration versions are known as micro- or mini-accounts by a few companies. If you want to avail of such accounts, you will have to settle a certain amount. The lowest amount that companies charge for their demo trading applications is approximately $200. On the other hand, there are some companies that are offering their demos for free.

Online forex trading software is not that hard to use as long as you know the basics. The following instructions will show you how to do it:

1. Follow the company's directions on how to download the software. This is fairly simple, especially if you already have knowledge regarding computer and Internet use. The software has to be downloaded to your PC before you actually use it. After you have downloaded the application, you can proceed with the set up of your account.

2. You can learn forex trading easily with the help of demonstration versions. You will be able to acquire more knowledge if you create your own account. Your account will ask you to give your user name and your password. The providers of these demo accounts usually ask for payments, in order to keep your account running. This charge serves as the first deposit for the setup of your account.

3. To make forex trading work to your advantage, you have to be aware of what is going on in the market. Through the online tutorials of your account, you will learn how to study this type of trade. In order for you to acquire comprehensive knowledge, you have to read the demo's tutorial manuals carefully and thoroughly.

4. After you have studied the market, you might want to put your learning to test. You can start trading with other traders. However, you have to remember that you should start out small since you are new to the industry. You can support your business with graphs and charts. You can also utilize real time information and updates. These will help you keep track of the changes within the market. As you go along the trade, you will learn a lot of things from forex trading applications.

Do you want to make accurate buy or sell decisions when it comes to forex trading? See how you can potentially multiply your earnings with this powerful online forex trading software.


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