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Friday, September 19, 2008

Win at Forex Trading - Want to Know If You Can Win? Answer This Question!

By Sonia Kristina

Here is a question that if you get it right, you can probably enjoy currency trading success, get it wrong and sorry you will lose...

Let's be crystal clear about the ratio of winners to losers - its 95% lose and 5% win, so it's not a walk in the park so here is your question:

What is your trading edge (define it exactly) that will enable you to join the minority of winners and avoid the losing majority?

Most people answer the following and there ALL wrong answers, here they are.

- I have bought a forex robot with a simulated track record

- I am using a day trading and scalping method

- I follow breaking news stories and stay on top the action

- I have a predictive scientific theory

- I am clever so I will win

- I work hard and will be rewarded for my effort

- I follow a guru he knows best

Its unbelievable that people when they enter forex markets, think they can follow someone else or a so called expert (most have never traded and have simulated track records so hardly experts, as they have never traded for real!) and think they can win. Its obvious forex trading is not a walk in the park, as 95% of people lose.

You're Trading Edge

Needs to be something you have learned and are confident in, because you are going to need the confidence to apply it, through periods of losses.

I have read some vendors saying you can win 92% of the time, this is rubbish! Not even the best traders manage that. Of course, they win overall, but they understand they must take weeks of losses on many occasions, until they hit a home run.

How to Win

To win requires a simple forex trading system rather than a complicated one, as it is more robust, you then, must have the confidence to apply it with discipline.

Discipline is what lets most traders down. They follow others, or don't have an edge their confident in and throw in the towel.

If you cannot apply your method with discipline, you don't have one!

Forex trading offers extraordinary gains in relation to the effort you have to put in - but you need to do your homework and get a trading edge, if you don't know what yours is, you don't have one.

Forex trading will reward someone with the ability to work smart get an edge and have the discipline to apply it. The problem is most people wont make the effort, if you do, then you are on your way to currency trading success.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info and a RISK FREE Forex Trading Course visit our website at:

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