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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why Forex Traders Are Looking For the Holy Grail in Trading?

By Jim Buhs

Wouldn't the wonderful world of trading just be so much simpler if somebody could create a holy grail indicator which tell you exactly when to enter the market and when to close? Life would be simpler wouldn't it? There would be no stress and all the hard work is done for you. Well, traders have been trying to accomplish this since the beginning of the markets. There have been countless indicators that have been created to try to accomplish this feat. None have been 100% successful.

So why is it that people keep trying to create these holy grail systems? It seems like more than ever all you see are these "black box systems" that are supposed to do all the trading decisions for you. A lot of it has to do with many trader's laziness. But the ironic thing is, if they spent as much time trying to find the holy grail as they would just trying to learn and understand the market, they would already be successful.

The major problem with these "holy grail" trading indicators are that they are using historical and lagging studies. These studies tell a trader what has already taken place. So in essence, traders are over crowding their minds and charts with all these indicator which neglect the basic market price movements that every trader should be aware of. These "after the fact" indicators cannot provide the same intuitiveness of the market as trading based on price action.

Technical indicators take too much of the "feel" away from traders. The moment traders realize this, the moment we'll start to hear less about the holy grail and "black box" trading indicators.

To finally learn how to trade price action without indicators, make sure to check out to see all of my forex reviews.

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