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Friday, September 12, 2008

Forex Robots - The Dream of Easy Regular Income the Reality of Losses

By Samuel Leslie Berkovits

The forex robots you see online promise a lot for the $100 or so they cost but the reality is they will probably deliver you equity wipe out. So why do they not deliver the gains they say? Let's take a look.

Take a look at the track records - they all look great!

Huge gains and little or small losses and then take a look at the disclaimer and you will see why, there not real track records, just back tests.

The Past is NO Guide to the Future!

If you see a robot with a track record that looks to good to be true look for disclaimer and you will see "simulated" and in "hindsight" all over it.

Let me think if I knew tomorrow's closing price today, would I ever have a losing trade again? Of course not but that's not real life.

Most traders don't seem to think this is important and buy the robot and then get wiped out. Let's be clear a back test means nothing in terms of the profitability and what you will make. Also logic tells you, don't get an income for life for $100 or so and no effort on you part.

Don't Fall for the Hype

Most vendors tell you to go and look at testimonials as proof as well however, look at the author of the testimonial and he is normally an affiliate selling the system, so of course you never see a bad one!

They also claim you have nothing to lose because you can test it in a demo account. Sure you can, if you can be bothered, as a test normally should be for a year not a short period like 30 days most vendors recommend.

You can get your money back with most of them big deal, if you lose money in the market, it's hardly compensation and of course you will lose.

Are there any Robots that Work?

Yes, you can find a few but there not advertised heavily on line by an affiliate army, you have to hunt them out and they will normally come with a couple of years of track record - but expect to pay more than $100 for it.

You can also get a free one and we have written about it frequently and you can look it up - it's called the 4 Week Rule.

A FREE Robot that Beats 95% of Those Sold!

The 4 Week Rule will beat most systems hands down, its simple, its free and you don't even need a computer and it won't cost you a cent. Sure its not got a fancy name that implies death to the market or, have fancy packaging - but if you want to make money it works.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info and a RISK FREE Forex Trading System visit our website at:

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