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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Do Forex Trading Systems Really Work, & Is Forex Trading a Legitimate Investment?

By Mike Spiro

Forex trading has become quite the trend in the past few years. Understandably so, as it is a very goo opportunity for the average person to make money from their own computer, and not have to monitor their screen all day to make a few bucks. Enter the Forex trading system boom. Just by entering "Forex" into the search box, you have hundreds of choices of miracle "systems" that will, they claim, rake in the money, with "no" effort on your part.

Is this really true? Can you virtually click a mouse, and watch your bank account expand like Uncle Fred on Thanksgiving Day? It makes you wonder, just like anything else out there that claims this type of return on investment, if it's true, then why isn't everyone just plugging in and making out like bandits? Well, there are two parts to these questions.

First, Forex is legitimate, and there is a very, very lucrative income to be had from it. Second, like any great business opportunity, with it comes, well, opportunity...for those capitalizing on the people looking for the easiest way possible to make their fortune. As the Forex trend grows, so does the demand for programs to do it for you. As with anything nowadays, people are looking for the easy way.

A good example is Network Marketing, or MLM. Network Marketing has gotten a bad reputation from many people...not because it is not a legitimate, and very lucrative business (actually the fastest growing industry in the world!), but because people lose money because they don't want to put into it the effort it takes to get what they want out of it. Simple as that.

The goes for Forex trading. The fact is, you CAN make good money, but it most likely will not happen without some effort, or some patience. There are basically three ways to go with Forex. Learn how to trade yourself, use a forecast system or software system, or use a managed funds account. Most people just getting into Forex are going to be drawn to the hype of the software system from the git go.

As an experienced Forex trader, and someone who actually learn to trade, and has traded live, I recommend to anyone starting out to really learn how to trade yourself. Now that doesn't mean that is the best way to make money, because without a lot of experience, I can almost guarantee that you will not become rich doing that...not for a while. But just knowing the dynamics of how it works from the inside out will help you in choosing the right vehicle to make you money in this market.

For those who want to make serious money, I recommend a quality forecast service. Other than that, you must be choosy about any software system you run across. There are some every good systems that are making people very good money, if you do your homework. You can find some reviews on a few of the better systems available at

When you choose these systems, it's good to look at the review, find one with some bonuses of some kind, definitely a money back guarantee, and I wouldn't pay much more than $100, give or take. If you pay more than that, you need to be using a forecast service, which gives you more bang for your buck, but is quite a bit more to use. I know of one such service that in my opinion has no competition, and is by far the best of it's kind in the industry. If anyone reading this would like the information to contact this service, please email me at . Good luck, and may all your pips be profitable!

Mike Spiro is a Forex trader and marketer, and has been involved with marketing, management and investing in many areas since the mid-ninties. He has studied in depth Forex courses and trading systems behind the scenes with some of the industry's top traders.

He is currently doing research and reviews on trading systems for recommendations through his website at

You may visit his blog at

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